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Thank you for coming to FunBites! I’m Bobbie. FunBites was inspired by my daughters Jackie and Dylan when they were little. That’s when the photo was taken of us – now they are a little more grown up!

Jackie has always been a great eater. She would eat pretty much whatever you gave her as long as the food was neat and organized. My little one, Dylan, was a different story. She was truly picky nicky – she liked the same food all the time, didn’t like to try new things, unless it was junk food. At meals we would spend so much time cutting food into small bites. Wouldn’t it be easier if there was something that we could just press down on their food and bippity boppity boo! … food would be made into bite-size pieces? Maybe our kids would try new foods and eat better; maybe mealtime could be less stressful and more fun. Is that even possible?

Welcome to FUNBITES! FunBites super sturdy and durable curved blade cutter cuts any kids’ food into bite-sized fun shapes. We make food so much fun that even the pickiest eaters can’t resist! FUNBITES works on kid-friendly food from pancakes, sandwiches, fruit, veggies, brownies and more! Jackie loves FUNBITES because the food is cut neatly and evenly. Dylan suddenly eats her food, real food, not junk food.

Move over junk food! Let’s make healthy food more fun. Maybe you have a child like ours or maybe you simply want to add a little more creative fun and simplicity to your kitchen. We hope FUNBITES makes your mealtime less stressful, gets your kids try new things and eat healthier. FunBites – We make food fun!
